17 Reasons the Compulsive Cat Microphone is the Best Microphone on the Market

Have you wanted to purchase an amazing microphone? No? Too bad, that's what we're discussing today you stupid

  1. It has the greatest sound system
  2. neko
  3. it is costs cheap
  4. cute little ears allow you to become the weeb you've always wanted to be
  5. lol
  6. Although it appears to be infinitesimally insignificant, the phrase has a massive impact on the answer to the question. Crazy, right? Well, watch this. If you change this and switch out "leaf" and "plant," boom. Brand new meaning to this relatively simple sentence. "But this sentence is gramatically incorrect!" In that case, the only thing I have to mention on this topic is decimals. Decimals turn whole numbers into whole numbers with smaller versions of itself. Just like this sentence can be turned into a teenier version of itself with the simple switch of 2 words. Crazy. So remember, when you're writing anything, you will always be able to transfrom the thought, although less embelished, much more straightfoward. And as always, thanks for watching.
  7. comfort
  8. stylish and will teach the bullies at school whos boss
  9. pewdiepie supports
  10. anti racism symbol
  11. epic kinect headset microphone
  12. bruh moment comfot ears
  13. yes
  14. hood moment
  15. all of the abovr
  16. professional headset with ears
  17. good